Has the University of Cambridge launched the world’s most expensive degree program?

It’s not news that Oxford and Cambridge have long been English playgrounds for student from wealthy families all around the world. Cambridge, though, is making it official with a new degree program that’s visibly targeting students with money to burn. With a tuition fee of $332,000, the “Doctor of Business Degree” will be a four year program set to launch in October next year. The program is not a full-fledged Ph.D, but will be close as students will be required to submit a dissertation that is a maximum of 200 pages long.

The high cost of the degree means that the university is anticipating small classes, we’ll be surprised if more than two or three people even apply. It’s likely though that the degree will be particularly meaningful to mid or late career professionals who are already raking in the money in their corner offices. After all, no matter who you are, an expensive degree from Cambridge is a great way to spruce up your wall décor.

Supposedly the point of the crazy high fees is that the classes will be small and students will get individualized attention, but given that the $332,000 tuition doesn’t even include accommodation and food, we’re seriously wondering if it’s worthwhile. When the course launches, it will be one of the most expensive degrees in the world.

[ Via : Businessinsider ]

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