Unable to get the Hermes Birkin bag many are settling for a NFT of the coveted handbag.

It looks like a Birkin; it’s got the same elegance, but it is not Hermes approved and certainly won’t hang on your shoulders like the pride of your life. Meet, MetaBirkin, a new form of NFT dropped in the digital space to make it more fashion-forward. The brain behind the concept, Los Angeles artist Mason Rothschild, launched the project last week during the 2021 Miami Art Basel celebrations, to the dismay of the iconic French luxury goods brand. While most of us wait in line with stashes of money to get our dream Birkin bag, many have already fulfilled their digital desires with Rothschild’s version.

His collection includes 100 MetaBirkin NFTs that have already accumulated nearly $450,000 and reached a floor price of 8 ETH. These intangible accessories are intentionally made with faux fur (keeping up with the trend of offering fur alternatives) by Rothschild in collaboration with Eric Ramirez. Some bags flaunt vibrant colored faux fur, and few even depict famous artworks like the Mona Lisa. Keeping up with the Christmas spirit, the designer offered a Grinch-themed MetaBirkin and captioned it, ‘You’re a mean one.’ According to L’Officiel USA, the MetaBirkins were made available on Basic.Space, a “social commerce platform with a curated marketplace for unique Experiences and exclusive products, for public sale.”

Trading on OpenSea, Twitter, and Discord has resulted in $800,000. Hypebae reports, Hermès has released a statement to the Financial Times denouncing the products, “These NFTs infringe upon the intellectual property, and trademark rights of Hermès and are an example of fake Hermès products in the metaverse.” The artist has made the most of the blurry lines of fashion and technology and called this an artistic take on an iconic bag created way back in 1984. The fashion world is still begging for it, and while it may make a few happy, the NFT version doesnt come close to owning a genuine Birkin bag.

[Via: Elle]

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