The scent speaker – Lets you design bespoke air for your home

Elaborate speaker sets that range from wired to unwired, sophisticated to minimalist manage to captivate our senses. Electronic houses that produce these speakers are often successful in enticing us to bring home their products to set the mood and persona of our abode. However, is audial and visual pleasure all there is to liven up a home? Of course not. The Scent Speaker has just stepped into the line of household conditioning tools and it brings with it the promise of setting the mood through olfactory delights.

Called ‘Cyrano’, the speaker is purely digital in functionality and control. With the help of an app called Onotes you can choose from a variety of scents to be released. While you may have begun imagining it to be similar to our room fresheners, the Cyrano smell speaker does much more. Scents are generally associated with memories, and strongly too. Should you be stuck in your cubicle with a bunch of tasks glaring down at you, a mere touch on your smartphone could transport your senses to a tropical holiday destination. Such is the marvel of this sacred sense. Smells can be preset to set the mood.

You can even create mood melodies by blending fragrances and send them over to a friend. The output speaker resembles that of an audio speaker, which is why the name. Each piece retails for just under $150.

[Available at Onotes via Contemporist]

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